Sunday, July 8, 2018

Stuff I’ve done or something

So yesterday I went to a rainforest. We didn’t get to do much because there’s a hurricane coming in a few days and they had stuff closed down, but I did get to see a cool waterfall and cut my leg on a guardrail

Then after that we went to a fort built by the Spanish. The best part was all the lizards on and around it though :)

There are big lizards here everywhere, I love it

Saturday, July 7, 2018


well I haven’t been able to post.
I’m sorry. I’ve been having a good time here. On the first day I was way too tired, but I probably should have yesterday
I’ll definitely post tomorrow with what I did today, and I promise to start posting every day tomorrow

Monday, July 2, 2018

Had the house to myself today, it was great
I also came up with a few new project ideas and stuff

Wish I could work ):

Sunday, July 1, 2018

So I’m going to start posting again because it’s summer and I have time and why not. Also  I want to get back into it as I’m going on a vacation and I can talk about the cool stuff that I can’t on Scratch

Speaking of things I wouldn’t normally talk about on Scratch, I kissed someone for the first time last night. Not like on the mouth or anything, I have no interest in that. Just on the cheek. I think that’s special or something and I kinda want to say something about it

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Work progress

I've been moving along pretty well with Climb, but I made two big steps today.

First I found a way, way more efficient way to change levels and pretty much set up them for the rest of the game

Then I just fixed a huge issue with the project, the lag. It now runs very smoothly

These have made me very happy and I can’t wait to share it with everyone

Monday, April 30, 2018

The results

So the dreaded letter finally came today.

I honestly wasn’t surprised at what the result was. I didn’t get in. I was expecting it all along, and I don’t feel too bad about it. So yeah, a huge opportunity has been squashed, but it’s okay

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Too late, too tired, but posting

Climb is moving along slowly, but it’s moving. I know I need to keep working on it, but it’s 10:34 right now and I’m pretty tired. I want to post more information about it, but I don’t know what to do. If there’s anything you’d like to see, let me know. Maybe I’ll reveal a new ability or something. Anyway, I should sleep now. I’ll come up with something more interesting to talk about tomorrow...

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Projects update

So I haven’t shared anything since early March. I’d like to let you know what games are coming soon (and I’ll be sharing other stuff of course). The next four games will all come out sometime from now until early June. This means I have to fit three games into May somehow because I want the last one to have June to itself. I can’t finish anything major in time for release this month(I’ll probably share something small soon), so things will be crammed into May. I think I’ll lead with Climb, then I’m thinking Revolution 2. I don’t want to give everything away though. I need to get projects done in time so I can share everything before summer.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Sorry for not posting

So the past two days I didn’t post. That’s because I’ve been at practice for something. It runs until nine, and by the time I get home I either have things to do or I’m too tired to post anything. That should be over now, and I’ll get back into posting normally. 

The post for Wednesday will be up later today

Friday, April 20, 2018

One Week...

In one week, I’ll find out whether I’ve been accepted into a government school for next year or not . I talked about it in this project, but basically it could be very very beneficial to me if I get in (as well as providing actually challenging classes). My only worry is that I don’t think I’m going to get in. Despite many people saying I will, I think there are too many people that are better than me apply. Oh well. I’ll share a project on the 27th to let you know if my dreams have been crushed or not...

Sorry for something not Scratch related. I’ll give you details about my next project next week